Ransohoff Leanveyor Stainless Steel Conveyor Belt Washer, 7" wide belt, electric heat

Ransohoff Leanveyor Stainless Steel Conveyor Belt Washer, 7" wide belt, electric heat

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7" Wide Balanced Weave Conveyor Belt, 1/4" x 1/4" Flights welded approximately every 6" on center.

2-1/8" Tunnel Height

Variable Speed 1-5 FPM


Tanks: Stainless

Housing: Stainless

Solution Piping: Stainless

Insulation: 1" Thick

Pre-Blow-Off Fan:

275 CFM @ 40 SP

Wash Tank:

Capacity: 193 Gallons

Temperature: 140 Deg. F.

Filtration: (2) Bag Type Stainless Steel Filter-50 Bag

Rinse Tank:

Capacity: 193 Gallon

Temperature: 140 Deg. F.

Filtration: (2) Bag Type Stainless Steel Filter-50 Bag


Volume: 2000 CFM @ 8" SP

Temperature: 180 Deg. F

Process Flow:

59" Load

9" Load Vestibule

18" Wash

36" Wash Drain

12" Rinse

12" Drain

36" Blow-Off

18" Unload Vestibule

18" Unload




(4) Sliding Access Doors

Electric Immersion heaters

Pre-Blow-Off Regenerative fan (to blow off chips prior to entering wash) Air Knives front and back, top and bottom, Includes Wheeled Chip Basket Cart.

Gusher Stainless Steel Wash Pump 7.5 HP includes wash pump screen, wash tank access lid

wash bag filter, wash solution from top, bottom, and sides via stainless piping.

Gusher Stainless Steel Rinse Pump 2HP 70 GPM includes rinse pump screen, rinse tank access lid, rinse bag filter, rinse solution from top, bottom, and sides via stainless piping.

Stainless Filtermist FX-900 Stainless Mist Collector 900 CFM 3HP Motor

Marine Door Access

(4) Machine lifting lugs

Manual Unload Photo-eyes for Hi-Limit

Emergency Stop on each end.

Liquid Level Controls



ModelLeanveyor Conveyor Washer
Serial Number5999
Stock Number7725
TypeStainless Steel Conveyor Belt Washer
Model NumberLeanVeyor Conveyor Washer
Max. temperature140°F/140°F/180°F
Voltage460/3/60/170 Amps
Work area7"W x 2-7/8" Opening
External dimensions8' wide x 8' high x 19' long