30"W x 30"H x 48"L Surface Combustion Spray Washer

30"W x 30"H x 48"L Surface Combustion Spray Washer

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Batch Spray Washer complete with Eclipse Atmospheric Burner System, Roller Rail Hearth, Dual External Pumps (10 H.P.), and Vertical Rising Pneumatic Front Door.

Side-Mounted Panel with Motor Starter and Partlow Analog Controller.


ManufacturerSurface Combustion
ModelSuper Spray Washer
Serial NumberBX-38010-1
Stock Number7788
Max. Temperature200°F
ManufacturerSurface Combustion
FuelNatural Gas - 300K BTU's/Hour
Work Area30"W x 30"H x 48"L
Overall Dimensions66” Wide x 96” Long x 108” High